Audio postcards, street interviews, videos, photos, educational material: Get impressions of our activities and its results.
There is No Revolution to Make Without Women
HERstory and Dynamics of the Democratic Change of 1989 in the GDR. Educational Material
During our cooperation we have also developed educational materials. The methodological part III is based on the experiences we made during two 5-day workshops. We had jointly tested the methods presented by the partners. In an exchange on historical issues and certain events of the past, we came to the conclusion that transformation processes can continue to affect people intensively even 30 years later. We chose the events of autumn 1989 in the GDR and partly in Eastern Europe as the material’s theme and hope that it will offer a variety of inspirations.
Ohne Frauen ist keine Revolution zu machen
HERstory und die Dynamiken des demokratischen Umbruchs von 1989 in der DDR
Während unserer Kooperation haben wir auch Bildungsmaterialien entwickelt. Der methodische Teil III beruht auf den Erfahrungen, die wir im Laufen von zwei 5-tägigen Workshops gemacht haben. Wir hatten die von den Partnern vorgestellten Methoden gemeinsam erprobt. Im Austausch über Inhalte bzw. bestimmte historische Ereignisse kamen wir zu der Einsicht, dass Transformationsprozesse die Menschen auch noch 30 Jahre später intensiv beschäftigen können. Wir wählten die Ereignisse des Herbstes 1989 als Thema für das Kapitel und hoffen, es bietet vielfältige Anregungen.
What means HERstory?
During the project, we got inspired by our Polish partners who work with the HERstory approach. What does it mean? Inga and Edyta wrote an explanation including practical information on workshops following the HERstory method.
Impressions from the 4-days workshop in Lódz/PL, November 2018
Local Event in Málaga, 14 September 2018
A.M.E.F.E. organizes a local event in the Connecting Memories project in Malaga and contributes to the dissemination of the project among the population of Malaga. In addition to knowing the opinions and the experiences lived by the participants, we try that young people learn from their elders, and know well our past, so as not to repeat the same mistakes in the future. Check the program of our event here: Program local event A.M.E.F.E.
Project Meeting in Helsinki, 29th – 31st August 2018
Local Event in Berlin, 2nd July 2018
weltgewandt. Institute for Intercultural Civic Education invited participants from its local projects (Language café “1001 WORD”, Community Theatre), both taking place twice a month, to create a link to the Connecting Memories cooperation. The explanations of the workshop in Marseille inspired adults from various backgrounds (Russia, Syria, Eastern/Western Germany) telling their personal stories linked to the history of their own country.
Local Event in Lódz, 6h June 2018
The AHE university in Lódz has held an event to spread the project’s idea and main contents among citizens of Lódz. For this, the colleagues cooperated with the Academy of Seniors. Dr. habil. Edyta Pietrzak introduced into the remembrance of the so-called transformation period in Poland after 1990. She also referred to the Women War & Peace initiative. It is Edytas suggestion to implement aspects of the ‘memory studies’ in the Connecting Memories project. See her presentation (in Polish/po polsku).
5-days Workshop in Marseille, May 2018
Audio postcard created during the workshop in Marseille: AfroAmericanEuropean
Audio postcard created in Marseille The Soap Seller
Audio postcard created in Marseille The Sound of Identities
Street interviews done in Marseille Marseille voices. How make presence the history alive