weltgewandt. Institute for Intercultural Political Education is a non-governemental organisation based in Berlin/Germany. It provides citizenship education and information on political, social and cultural issues for everyone. weltgewandt („open to the world”) focuses on a) making current developments in society and politics understood, b) fostering an awareness of what democracy is and which values are needed to keep it running and c) encouraging citizens to actively participate in social, political and cultural life. Taking the existing plurality of modern societies into consideration, weltgewandt also strengthens d) the dialogue between people of different cultures, social contexts, generations and life-styles.
weltgewandt runs seminars, workshops and trainings combining complex issues of societies with creative approaches. It also produces teaching material for trainers and teachers encompassing information and didactical inspirations for positive and fruitful learning experiences.
Association Hors Pistes is an organisation working on the field of non-formal education founded in 2013 and based in Marseille, France. (The previous name of the organisation is Pistes Solidaires Méditerranée, it changed in March 2017). “Hors Pistes” means thinking outside the box, accepting unexpected discoveries, changing perspectives. It’s overcoming preconceived ideas, escaping one’s comfort zone, opening horizons and being surprised. It’s going through paths we didn’t suspect, paths which make us grow up and learn.
We wish to foster interculturality in all its forms, encounters and mutual learnings opportunities, international and learning mobility. But also to implement actions with local impact and recognize knowledge and skills as factors of emancipation and empowerment. Hors Pistes develops a number of international projects supported by the Erasmus+ program and OFAJ :
• Sending, hosting and coordinating EVS volunteers
• International and local training courses for youth/social workers
• Intercultural youth exchanges
• Erasmus + Internships in Europe for unemployed young people
• An intercultural mentoring programme between migrant and local inhabitants for building social links and a better inclusion of migrants in their host community
The Helinä Rautavaara museum presents ethnographic artefacts and information about cultures from around the world. The Museum’s exhibitions, collections and audience work showcase a variety of views of Finland as well as that of other cultures. The museum was founded in 1998 and is located in Espoo, Finland.
The ritual, everyday and art objects collected by globetrotter Helinä Rautavaara in Africa, Asia and Latin America comprise the core of the Museum’s collection. Photographs and audiovisual material from Rautavaara’s travels are also part of the collection, as are her notes and diaries. The Museum houses Finland’s largest collection of objects from West Africa.
Through its exhibitions and audience work with visitor participation, the Helinä Rautavaara Museum contributes to a culturally diverse Finland and a world in which there is social justice.
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi (AHE) is an accredited higher education institution and provides B.A, M.A, postgraduate, PhD studies and courses for various target groups: trainers, students, disabled, teachers, people of various professions, unemployed, migrants, those of low income or low educational level. Our staff includes approx. 200 permanent employees: researchers, teachers, trainers, supporting staff (financial, administrative, technical staff), specialists and experts in various areas. The university focuses on educational research, innovative teaching methodologies and e-learning.
Among AHE’s key fields of study and research there are: educational science, innovative teaching and learning methods, psychology, entrepreneurship (courses and workshops on creativity, business skills, business planning, etc.), application of ICT in the teaching process, systems of quality assurance and validation of prior learning. The University is an expert in research and analysis; designing of curricula; implementation of courses, e-learning and development of e-learning platforms, tools, materials; dissemination; courses of creativity, self development, workshops, seminars; EU projects management.
A.M.E.F.E. (Malagueña Association of Education and European Training) is a private and educational organisation in SPAIN. Founded some years ago that represents an ample educational sector in Spain. Some of the purposes of the association are:
– Organize and conduct cultural activities to further development , conservation and cultural diffusion. Training through courses and conferences partners / as volunteers / as and citizens in general. Promote and strengthen the bonds of friendship between European society and community Andalusian society closer to new cultures through lectures , debates , panel discussions , exhibitions, and projects. Promote and disseminate European culture within the Andalusian society, in the first instance within the educational community for a sociocultural exchange whose fruit is mutual understanding and improving coexistence between both. Encourage, within the framework of the educational community , research and knowledge from a historical , anthropological , social, cultural, humanistic , ideological and political European perspective.
– Encourage cultural , educational and scientific experiences and to promote research contributing to the understanding and knowledge in Europe. Preparation of studies that help to increase awareness of new technologies in the field of education in Europe. Contribute to conservation , intervention, improvement and dissemination of historical, artistic and ethnological heritage of Andalusia in Europe. Spread the culture of cultural pluralism and coexistence and tolerance in Europe. Being a tool of integration and coexistence between different cultures on our continent , promoting the development of a process of integration of European citizens who have not yet been integrated into our society. Defend the legitimate rights of European citizens who comprise a minority in different social and cultural fields (people with disabilities , dependents, persons with disabilities , people suffering exclusion ) . Promote education and dissemination of knowledge as vital to the goal of tolerance and peaceful coexistence instrument. Promote and collaborate actively in all tasks aimed at education and training for the understanding of the natural environment as well as any activity that promotes the creation of a sustainable development of the planet on which look you benefit the environmental health and conservation or protection of Nature, Environment and Climate Change.